It's Thanksgiving Charlie Brown!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well despite this post's tardiness, here it is nonetheless.

For el dia de turkey, mi esposo y moi headed north to Pittsburgh to converge on my brother's house with the rest of the family (minus Brittany, who had to work. Bah Humbug! But she was with us in spirit and thus spared the annual holiday weight gain.)

All in all, Bob & Rosie hosted ten extra peoples, plus their five and they did it in their trademark smoothness. Maybe if I give them a shout out here, they will write a book on the art of hosting and will give me a shout out for repeated guest perfection. One can hope...

I could bore you with details of our trip, but let's cut to it shall we? After all, the whole point of Thanksgiving is to gorge oneself on endless amounts of food right?

So here is the purrty Turkey that Rosie cooked this year. And believe me, it was as tasty as it looks! Not only that, the table was gorgeous enough to make Martha Stewart drool. Big ups to Rosie! She was rocking the domestic front!

Now here is where I would put a picture of the spread, but apparently my personal photographer was busy doing something else and slackin on his duties. Tsk , tsk.

(If Shaloot makes it back to the stairs on the right, he regains his super human powers by which he can hurl small children onto fluffy couches with great might.)

So instead I give you the beautiful setting in which we feasted with little self control.

You ain't got nothing on Rosie, Martha!

But do not fret my dear reader (it's a little early to assume we have more than one of you at this point.) But we.ate. good. And eat we did.

For starters, there were 3 kinds of stuffing to suit your fancy: crab stuffing, oyster stuffing and veggie stuffing.

And of course there was brown rice (a Wyche staple) gravy, sweet potato casserole with pecan topping (My favorite!!), asparagus casserole, jalapeno cornbread, salty ham ( a MacKenzie staple, I think), roasted green beans, cranberry sauce straight from the can (Erin, I'm right there with you honey!) as well as the freshly made kind.

And for dessert we had pumpkin pie and raspberry crumble.

And ice cream. To go with the pie of course. Duh.

And Aunt Margaret's Mexican dip on Friday. And FRESH fried oysters on Friday too.

And smoked salmon....and chex snack mix, which we kountrily refer to as "Trash."

And I'm going to stop because suddenly I'm self conscious both about the size of this food list and that I lovingly shovel "trash" into my mouth and never questioned this title until I had to write it out. Hmmm.....

So yes, we all gained weight. And before you even ask I'm going to go ahead and bite the bullet and acknowledge, that yes, there were NO mashed potatoes. I know it's like American sacrilege or something.

I can't speak for the MacKenzies, but the Wyches have always been rice folks. We have brown rice, red rice, yellow rice, white rice with gravy, and Jesus loves them all, plus all the little children of the world. Maybe that's why I ended up marrying an Indian man....with all my rice lovin ways, curry was bound to enter the menu rotation at some point.

So when we weren't eating, we were hangin out w/ the family, maximizing our weight gain by being as sedentary as possible. Somanna and I finally managed to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Yea, I know it came out like in 2000 or something, but you know what? Our netflix queue is absurdly long and we're a little behind, alright? So just back off! That Planet Earth series is a LOT OF FRIGGIN DISCS ok?!!

But we finally saw it and now we can truly sleep at night knowing Jack is reunited with his beloved Black Pearl. I of course was relieved to have uninterrupted viewing of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. So it's all good,(except for Kiera Knightly's acting, but we still love her for her amazing abs don't we?)

And when we weren't busy doing all that , it was time to play with the three cutest boys in 'Merica. So now I give you what you have hopefully been chasing all this time: a barrage of photos of The Wyche Boys.

Joe. ....Bob's own personal Mini me.

Mac n Cheese + dinosaur pj's = childhood bliss.

Jackers is really the sweet one of the bunch, but apparently he is not feeling the camera love on this one!

Sweet Jack

Wasss up! Bennett rockin the stripes and trying on Shaloot's kicks.

(They are playing the latest Gameboy contraption which is called a PSP or something...I don't know made me feel way old and inept at technology. Great self esteem booster when a six year old rolls his eyes at you because duh, its sooo easy Aunt Beth.)

"I would never misbehave Aunt Beth, look how cute and sweet I am?"


P.S. they now refer to Shaloot as Uncle Shaloot. Very cute and something to be thankful for indeed.

(the b&w picks were made on film by Shaloot's old skool camera, the Pentax K1000. Check out the other shots on his flickr site: )

Nice plug there Somanna.....

4 Leftovers:

Chittiappa said...

Awww man...
I sure do miss me thanksgiving grub. These euros over here just don't get it. No fear, the norwegians make do with some good christmas grub.
Reading the post, even after just eating a good chilli dinner makes me hungry. Oh well, got to go find some food now - maybe some chips and salsa with lots of sour cream?
btw Beth, even I, the old fart have a PSP thingymajingy so don't go calling yourself old just yet - maybe the word your looking for is amish - :-)

Erin said...

Trash and oysters and Mexican dip and yeah...I need to become an honorary Wyche. How can we make this happen, please? ;-)

Peaches N Curry said...

Just because I do not have an addiction to the newest and latest gizzmos n gadgets, Amish it makes me not ;-) And while I couldn't make Spidey fly across the ravine that was so stumping my nephews, I can still school them in the ways of Donkey Kong on my classic Nintendo. Or Pac Man. I rock that game too. Besides everyone knows vintage is where its at!

Peaches N Curry said...

Erin, to become an honorary Wyche, I am fairly sure you meet all the standard requirements: love of literature and food, coupled with a sharp sense of mostly subversive humor.

But I must warn you, once you're in the club you must abide and accept its overarching rule: If you're not here, then we're talking about you.

So I extend you an invitation, but accept at your own risk.

ps we are having an Oyster Roast for New Year's, so maybe you should accept the offer afterwards, since you already have plans and won't be able to make your first event. You wouldn't want to start off on the wrong foot ;-)

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