Things I Don't Understand

Sunday, February 22, 2009

1.) Why Taylor Swift is a.) famous or b.) associated with the word talent

2.) Quantum Physics

3.) Why Miley Cyrus got invited to the Oscars

4.) Panty hose

5.) Physics in general if I'm honest

6.) Scientology

7.) Cheeze Wiz

8.) Gwen Stefani's song Bananas.

9.) Why my family prefers to discuss the rules of grammar over dinner

10.) How I could let a whole weekend almost get by without a blog post. Hmm will try to do better...

2 Leftovers:

Brittany said...

Taylor Swift is catchy. Also blonde.

I'm confused about the rest as well. I hope you're doing well!

Becky said...

I totally, totally agree on both Taylor Swift and physics! Ha!

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