Race For The Cure!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday (13 June) I ran my first official 5k for the NC Triangle Susan G. Komen chapter's Race For the Cure.

This is a major life accomplishment here people. I mean first of all, I woke up BEFORE 10 a.m on a Saturday.

Then I went running.

Like outside. In the heat and stuff.

And I would brag more, except that when you get lapped by a cancer survivor, it kind of shuts you up. Not that that happened or anything. Purely theoretical.

Actually, we had a really great time. And by we, I mean, Jenni, my co-slave, err co-worker, and Somanna, my personal photographer /dishwasher / husband.

Here we are pre-race, fairly dry and not stinky, a subtle detail Somanna greatly appreciated.

They gave us real number bibs! Like real racers Pinocchio!!

This is the largest 5K in all of Nawth Cacklakcy, with over 25,000 people running throughout the morning's several races.

On your mark, Get Set, GO!

And we're off!

And Jenni's already lapping me....fabulous!

It was really an inspiring day. Here are some pictures Somanna snapped while I huffed and puffed my way through downtown Raleigh in 88 degree heat and that lovely Southern humidity.

(This one says " Big or Small, We Save Them All.")

Finally, the finish line was in sight!

Not that I'm looking at the finish line in this picture. Look this occurred pre-10 a.m. Let's be thankful my limbs functioned. Asking them to coordinate with my head is a bit much.

Also, I love how the woman in black is tearing it up. And I am so decidedly, NOT.

Run Girl, Run! Don't worry about me, I'll make it! (I just wanted to boost her self esteem and let her feel like she really beat me. I'm a do-gooder like that.)

Hello Paparazzi!

Hurray! I made it in 34:39, not bad for a first time trotter.

Here's Jenni finishing strong with Santa Clause, I mean "noble anonymous citizen."

Her time was 38:00, a very good time considering I gave her a week's notice to prepare.

While I had prepared for the race portion of the day, I had not prepared for the more emotional elements of the day.

Every time a cancer survivor crossed the line, her name was announced over the PA system and how long she had been a survivor. Lots of folks wore "In memory of" and and "In Celebration Of" banners. I saw a little boy, maybe five years old who had written himself in that classic kid writing, "In celebration of my mommy." I lost it on that one.

Perhaps more shocking were how common the all pink t-shirts were denoting a cancer survivor. How young these women are. I only donated money to the cause this year. However next year I hope to raise money because it's such a good cause and because I know three special women who deserve my efforts.

And I have to run in under 30 minutes. I love goal setting!

2 Leftovers:

Brittany said...


And the pictures are fabulous.

Goal setting: I will be there with you next year. Yay!

Erin said...

Whoop, whoop, way to do it, Miss Beth!
And did you buy one of those t-shirts? I don't think I could have stopped myself from making a purchase.

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